In the Business of Reliability: Isuzu & Nick's Cranetrucks SA

Being raised to value responsibility and reliability above all else, Nick Rozhkov is a hard worker who never cuts corners.

Having worked as a builder for over seven years, Nick has dealt with his fair share of late deliveries, poorly unloaded material and operators with little respect for workplace safety or Chain of Responsibility obligations.

An industrious bloke with an enterprising streak, Nick quickly recognised a gap in the market for experienced delivery drivers who could also safely navigate a construction site, and decided to do something about it—build a business.

Director of Nick’s Cranetrucks SA, Nikolay Rozhkov (right) & employee (left)

However, Nick felt he didn’t understand the logistics and transport industry well enough to jump straight in, and put in some hard yards, working as a courier for a year. In 2013, feeling confident he had acquired the skills and knowledge he needed, he started Nick’s Cranetrucks SA in Dry Creek, South Australia.

“Because I was a tradie myself, I knew I had the right approach to provide top-quality delivery services, especially to building sites,” Nick shared.

“So I started my business with a small, secondhand European truck, and things went from there.”

Fast forward to today, and Nick’s Cranetrucks SA has grown into a thriving business with a fleet of trucks. Four in the fleet are Isuzus: a GXD 165-350, two heavy-duty FYJ 300-350s, and one ​ Isuzu prime mover, the CXZ 240-460.

With a commitment to reliable service at the heart of his work ethos, Nick has built a solid reputation as an operator who will get things done, and get things done right.

“Once I promise to do something, I’ll never leave a job undone,” said Nick.

“By the same token, if I know I can’t do a job, I won’t take it on.”

It is that type of dedication and commitment to his word that has grown Nick’s clientele, which includes renowned industry brands such as Waco Scaffolding, Wesbeam and Supaloc, as well as retail giant Bunnings, to name just a few.

With a Fassi crane attached to the back of each Isuzu truck in the fleet, Nick’s business is well equipped for delivering a range of cargo, from general freight and containers to overweight and odd-sized loads. They even offer a Manitou forklift service.

“We deliver everything and anything. Bricks, pallets, timber, steel frames, scaffolds and bins... whatever a builder needs.

“We also deliver oversized or odd-sized loads. If it can be safely loaded and restrained, we’ll do it,” said Nick.

From a one-man operation to a now thriving business, Nick strongly correlates the growth of Nicks Cranetrucks SA with his expanding Isuzu truck fleet.

“The FYJ 300-350 is the best of the best! After buying the FYJs, my business experienced a huge boost, straight away,” Nick said enthusiastically.

“The FYJ is the ultimate work horse. It’s comfortable and it’s also easy to drive. We spend a lot of time delivering loads in the city and the FYJ navigates the streets very well.

“The FYJ has no unnecessary, fancy equipment, but it has everything you need.

“And most importantly, everything works.”

Featuring 30,000 kg GVM and 45,000 kg GCM, as well as 257 kW of power @ 2,000 rpm and 1,422 Nm of torque @ 1,400 rpm, Nick noted the FYJ 300-350 has given his business the ability to take on jobs he once had to decline because he didn’t have the right capacity.

Impressed with the performance of his Isuzus, and of the FYJs in particular, Nick has decided to replace the other trucks of his fleet with Isuzu models too, with the aim of running an all-Isuzu fleet.

“When you are buying a truck, you want it on the road, not stuck at the mechanics,” Nick said.

“Trust me, I’ve driven other brands where the trucks seem to prefer to spend more time in the workshop than actually on the road!”


When asked of his plans for the future, Nick said, “For now, I plan to keep my business local to South Australia.

“My drivers and I work eight hours daily, and we spend half the day or more on the road.

“I don’t want to spend any more hours travelling, and don’t want my drivers to, either. I want them to be able to go home after work, safe and sound.

“Which also means I can go home and sleep well, knowing they’re alright,” he said with a good-natured laugh.

On top of caring for the wellbeing of his employees, Nick also takes the management of his truck fleet very seriously.

“It’s very important to me that I send my trucks back to North East Isuzu for servicing on time.

“I treat my trucks like people… You look after them, and they will look after you.”

And Nick trusts the Isuzu brand and Tony and Mim from North East Isuzu, to look after him and the business.


“After buying so many trucks from Tony and Mim, we’ve become friends.

“But still, I wouldn’t buy a truck from a friend if I didn’t also trust the brand to deliver products that would help me get my clients’ goods transported safely. “I even told all my friends... If you ever need a truck, do yourself a favour and get an Isuzu.

“Reliability is very important in the work I do, and that’s why Isuzu will always be number one for me.”

In the Business of Reliability_Isuzu & Nick's Cranetrucks SA.docx


Sam Gangemi

Marketing and Advertising Manager, Isuzu Australia Limited

Arkajon Communications

Public Relations Agency









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Isuzu Truck's promise to deliver a premium product to the Australian market has been proudly and consistently upheld. The measure of our commitment is reflected in the number of trucks on the road that bear our marque, and the number of successful companies relying on Isuzu trucks every day. When we talk about reliability, we're not just talking about trucks, but also about people and indeed our entire philosophy. In addition to our in-house Customer Care Centre, customers also have access to an extensive range of service and support programs designed to ensure that Isuzu truck ownership is a positive and rewarding experience for all concerned.


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